jeudi 13 septembre 2018

Nuclear bonding energy

The nucleus of helium consists of proton and neutronin, It was supposed to be the relationship between them as in the following Figure

The nucleus of the helium nucleus is 4,0015 units of atomic mass.
The proton mass is 1.0073 atomic mass units.
Neutron mass is 1.0087 atomic mass units.

Since the nucleus of helium consists of proton and neutronin, the mass of the helium nucleus can be calculated as follows:
Protonin mass = 2 × 1.0073 neutron mass = 2 × 1.00
Protonin mass = 2.0146 neutron mass = 2.0174
Total mass of protons and neutrons = 2.0146 + 2.0174 = 4.0320 units of atomic mass

By comparing the actual helium mass with the total mass of its nuclei, there is a difference in mass as in the following Fig
The difference in mass between the helium nucleus and its total components is 0.0305 atomic mass units. The German-American physicist Albert Einstein (1879-1955), in 1907, using the purely mathematical analysis, he  was able to prove that energy and mass They are only two sides of a single coin which means that the substance can be converted into energy and energy into substance.

Einstein was able to put his illustrious equation

E = M C2
This energy is called the Binding ENERGY

For example, the nuclear energy produced by converting one gram into energy is 85,000 million BTU, which is equivalent to 25 million kilowatt hours, or the equivalent of the energy produced by the burning of nearly 5,000 tons of Coal.

Important note:
  1. When one kilogram of uranium is fissioned, the difference between the mass of the material before and after the fission process is equal to one gram, ie, one gas is converted to energy and the remaining 999 is discharged as waste. Therefore, you may find the same previous statement mentioned in the reference However, instead of the word gram, you will find the word kilogram  and therefore it is necessary to distinguish.
  2. A 1,000 megawatt power plant needs only 2 Kilogram per day of fissionable enriched uranium to be operated. This amount of fuel can be provided by supplying the reactor with 50 kg of enriched uranium by 4% (18 tons per year and up to 30 tons if the enrichment rate is lower). This amount of fuel remains very low compared to 3 million tons of coal Stoneware is required to operate the same plant annually.

1 commentaire:

  1. The actual nucleus associated with helium includes proton as well as neutron in, It had been said to be the connection in between all of them as with the next Determine
    The actual nucleus from the

    helium nucleus is actually four, 0015 models associated with atomic bulk.
    The actual proton bulk is actually 1. 0073 atomic bulk models.
    Neutron bulk is actually 1. 0087 atomic bulk models.
